Advertise in ValuMail Magazine
Advertising in ValuMail Magazine has exclusive benefits and a total market coverage of 365,000 in the Kansas City metro area. To find out more, click the map below for our Zone Map and Coverage.
City-Wide and Zone Coverage Options
With ValuMail, you can reach as many as 365,000 households city-wide in Kansas City. Or select from 15 suburban areas. No wasted homes- target only your potential customers. Your message will reach 99% saturation of homes and apartments within the zones you choose.
Direct Mail Gets Results
Direct Mail outperforms all other advertising media. Share the high cost of color printing and postage. Your ad printed and delivered in the mailbox for under a penny per pc.
Consumers Use ValuMail Magazine Again & Again
ValuMail's Magazine format has proven time and again to be significantly more effective than the competition. Full color, quality designed ads make it easy to view.
Because it's a magazine, ValuMail Magazine is treated like one. Consumers return to it and read it repeatedly. In fact, it's shelf life lasts six to eight weeks in the home. That gives your message repeat exposure.
Digital Design Department
We provide effective, high quality design at no additional charge.
Printed or E-mail Color Proofs are provided until you are 100% satisfied.
Locally Owned and Operated Since 1990
We have the experience. We'll give you proven offers and ad layouts to make your promotion a success.
ValuMail's Next In-Home Date: January 29, 2025
2025 Mail & In-Home Dates: (Distribution Dates Are ALL Week OF)
January 29, 2025
June 4, 2025
October 1, 2025
April 2, 2025
August 6, 2025
December 3, 2025
Download the ValuMail Media Kit 2025
Contact ValuMail Magazine today!